Upgrade: Printed Envelope Fronts

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  • Regular price $29.95
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If you'd like to have preprinted envelope fronts, please select your quantity below. Fonts will match the invitations and you will receive a proof along with the rest of the your invitation order. Please email your addresses to catherine@oldsoutherncharm.com as an Excel Document with the following columns for each address.

A) First Name

B) Last Name

C) Street Address

D) City

E) State (Please spell out the word if that's your preference)

F) Zip 

G) Country (If applicable)

If your addresses are not mailed in this format and you would like for me to change them over, my fee is $65/hour and an additional invoice will be sent and paid before the order is submitted to the printer. Thank you for your understanding! If  you have any additional questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.